Company support for Why Risk It? Just Click It! campaign to continue in 2020

An NSSGA creation, Why Risk It? Just Click It! aims to educate miners about the life-saving impact seat belts can have – on the road, but more specifically in the quarry.

Officially named and made public in July 2019, Martin Marietta joined the effort this past fall when Chairman and CEO Ward Nye and Vice President of Safety and Health Michael Hunt asked all operations to pledge their support. Company leadership says the topic will continue to be a focus throughout 2020.

Seat belt safety will continue to be a focus at
Martin Marietta in 2020

Indiana District HR/Safety Manager Jeff McIntosh said participation in the initiative was strong in his coverage area, which he hopes will translate into greater on-the-job safety.

“The cabs of our mobile equipment are made to withstand the forces of a rollover,” McIntosh said. “If an incident were to occur, the chances of a miner escaping with just a few bumps and bruises are great as long as they’re wearing a seat belt.” 

Operations participating in Why Risk It? Just Click It! receive a number of campaign materials, including posters to hang prominently in employee areas and sign-up sheets that allow miners to pledge their own support to the cause. Those who do provide their signature and support are given a hard hat sticker bearing the initiative’s logo.

A spokesman for the NSSGA said the program has been quite popular and that the organization hopes to make a second push this year as part of a continued effort to reinforce seat belt safety.